Fearless Living 2.0
Generate More Inner Power
In this life, we all carry traumas and lessons, making us relatable. Discover the power to transform them into fuel, cultivating 'unfuckwithable' self-worth. Learn to navigate your journey consciously, becoming a positive force and making a meaningful impact on those you encounter.
Transform Limitation, Cultivate Fortitude, and Facilitate Impact
Online or offline
You’re on a path of transformation. My personalized programs help you see clearly, trust yourself more, and begin shifting the things you’re ready to outgrow.
How it works
We’ll go through a shadow integrative process that focuses on up-leveling and integrating the parts of you that struggle with self-worth.
Our Path
It's my counterintuitive approach to understanding how fear is your ally that leads you to your strength and magic.
What you'll learn:
We'll go through a framework of Wake up, Clean up, Grow up, Show up.
We begin by setting a sacred container for your development and growth. We craft a vision of your life that feels more in alignment with your fully expressed authentic self.
I share frameworks that help you recover the memory of who you actually are underneath the various conditioning you’ve learned. I guide you through a process of unlearning limiting beliefs so that you reclaim your destined and desired future.
I guide you through a series of somatic exercises that help you master how to respond instead of react to conflict, fear, and challenges. This helps you break free from influences that derail you from making healthy choices and accessing your potential and power.
To not make your wounds more important than the healing, you'll be taking important risks in order to stretch, grow and experience how capable you are at being and becoming someone extraordinary.
You're modeling change – no longer fighting for or against it. Your relationship with your past evolves and you're noticing that the more conscious you are about your choices and behaviors – the freer, lighter, and more "unfuckwithable" you become.
Tailored sessions that accommodate your schedule and budget.
When investing in your self-development and future success, don't let scarcity hinder your progress. Trust in the energetic exchange and your commitment to action as the driving catalyst. My offerings ensure that anyone can access a personalized solution, making the path to your goals even more accessible and tailored to your unique needs.
"T-bird makes me stronger. She has an amazing talent for seeing the beauty in others, and a gift for helping others to see it in themselves too. ” — Dr. Athena Stanley-Yolgecen, Ph.D
“Tbird helped me connect with more of my personal “greatness.” Her direction helped clear any mental blocks I had and it made my plan more clear, more practical, and more in alignment with who I really want to be.” - Junya, journalist
“Tbird Luv, I feel awakened and ready to own a new journey in my life. You helped me move through my resistance and believe in myself more. I cracked the code. You gave me an incredible gift! Thank you.” - Loic